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Scholarly Impact of the Week

We are celebrating and raising the profile of scholarly milestones and research impacts from across the SFU research community.

Examples of Scholarly Impacts can include:

  • Publishing a paper in a high-impact journal; 
  • Patenting an invention; 
  • Debuting a new performance piece;
  • Publishing a monograph or book and/or;
  • Changing a government policy

We expect most of the publications that are featured to be recent impacts—however, we will also publish a transformative impact from the past, from time-to-time. 

As part of SFU's Scholarly Impact of the Week, selected researchers will work with a member of the VP Research and Innovation Office's communications and marketing team for support. We will also work with researchers to discuss how we can mobilize knowledge on their work by submitting to The Conversation Canada—one of the world's most trusted independent sources of news and views from the academic and research community, delivered directly to the public. 

Be sure to keep up-to-date on the latest published Scholarly Impact and other research news by following SFU Research on Twitter (X).

If you have any questions, please reach out directly by emailing

SFU's Scholarly Impact of the Week series does not reflect the opinions or viewpoints of the university, but those of the scholars. The timing of articles in the series is chosen weeks or months in advance, based on a published set of criteria. Any correspondence with university or world events at the time of publication is purely coincidental.

For more information, please see SFU's Code of Faculty Ethics and Responsibilities and the statement on academic freedom.

August 1, 2023

TL;DR: the world’s shortest writing textbook

joel heng hartse sfu

Joel Heng Hartse

Faculty of Education

How should new university students approach their first essay? Do professors really expect students to do all the readings? What exactly is APA Style? SFU Education lecturer Joel Heng Hartse has answers to these questions. His short survival guide to university reading and writing can help new academic writers overcome their fear of long papers. 

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July 12, 2023

Illuminating viral protein offers clues to more effective COVID treatments

Mark Paetzel

Mark Paetzel

Faculty of Science

SFU microbiologist Mark Paetzel and his research team used the brightest light in Canada to study the atomic details of viral protein, work that sheds new light on potential treatments for COVID19.

The paper, X-ray crystallographic characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease polyprotein cleavage sites essential for viral processing and maturation was recently published in Nature Communications.

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June 20, 2023

Award-winning project highlights colonization in Xinjiang, China

Darren Byler

Darren Byler

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Guldana Salimjan

Guldana Salimjan

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Since 2017, the government of China has interned Uyghurs, Kazakhs and members of other Muslim groups indigenous to the Xinjiang region in northwest China. Researchers estimate that more than one-million people have passed through the state’s re-education camps. 

Incoming SFU postdoctoral fellow Guldana Salimjan, international studies professor Darren Byler, and scholars at the University of British Columbia created the Xinjiang Documentation Project to provide a platform for documenting state crimes and the lived experiences of these minorities in China.

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June 13, 2023

Decolonizing global planetary health

Clifford Atleo sfu

Clifford Atleo (Niis Na'yaa/Kam’ayaam/Chachim’multhnii)

Faculty of Environment

A viewpoint paper by a group of Simon Fraser University researchers recently published in The Lancet Planetary Health highlights the relationship between the health of the planet and human health. To address climate change and global health inequities, they recommend an anti-colonial, anti-racist and reciprocal approach.

We spoke with co-author Clifford Atleo, Jr. (Niis Na'yaa/Kam’ayaam/Chachim’multhnii), a Tsimshian (Kitsumkalum/Kitselas) and Nuu-chah-nulth (Ahousaht) professor of resource and environmental management about the paper's recommendations.

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May 30, 2023

Understanding schizophrenia in the context of the “China Dream”

jie yang sfu

Jie Yang

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Why do people diagnosed with schizophrenia in China hear “voices” of state leaders? How do these voices relate to the world depicted by “China Dream” discourse?  

Simon Fraser University anthropology professor Jie Yang studies mental health and indigenous and non-indigenous psychology in China. She is fascinated by the ways that different strands of ideologies emerge in language and in people’s emotional lives.

In her recent article, Hallucinations of the “China Dream:” Forbidden Voice, Articulation, and Schizophrenia in China, Yang discusses the contents of voices heard by people diagnosed with schizophrenia in China. From interviews with doctors, caregivers, patients and family members she observed experiences of pressure, subordination and self-preservation by those who felt excluded from the “China Dream.”


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May 17, 2023

Hey Neighbour! Collective builds connectedness in B.C. communities

Michelle Hoar

Michelle Hoar

meg holden sfu

Meg Holden

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Social connectedness has been shown to strengthen individual and community health and well-being, however, many members of Canadian society are at risk of social isolation. 

SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue’s Michelle Hoar and urban studies professor Meg Holden are longstanding advocates of creating social connectedness in B.C.’s urban settings. They work with SFU researchers, housing providers, non-profits, governments and others through the Hey Neighbour! Collective, to address loneliness and isolation while building neighbourly social connections and community resilience.


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May 11, 2023

Harvesting ambient energy to power the future

vincenzo pecunia sfu

Vincenzo Pecunia

Faculty of Applied Sciences

SFU sustainable energy engineering professor Vincenzo Pecunia led a group of over 100 international scientists to develop the "Roadmap on Energy Harvesting Materials." The roadmap offers guidance on the most promising directions in energy-harvesting technologies to help meet the growing demand for clean energy.


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April 26, 2023

New discoveries to enhance the performance of optical processes

byron gates sfu

Byron Gates

Faculty of Science

Research from the departments of chemistry at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of Washington (UW) has uncovered an overlooked physical process that allows optical energy to move more efficiently within a nanosystem. The findings could pave the way for of the invention of new devices for optical sensing, optical communications and more.

The research was led by SFU chemistry professor Byron Gates and carried out by graduate students Rana Faryad Ali (SFU), and Jacob A. Busche (UW), along with Saeid Kamal from the Laboratory for Advanced Spectroscopy and Imaging Research and professor David J. Masiello (UW).

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April 19, 2023

Understanding the places where bumble bees thrive

leithen mgonigle headshot

Leithen M'Gonigle

Faculty of Science

Biological sciences professor Leithen M’Gonigle and his research team studied postfire areas in British Columbia to better understand how forest fires affect bee populations. Their work provides insights into the study of pollinators in areas affected by climate change. 

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April 13, 2023

Using social media to increase research impact

Ian McCarthy

Ian McCarthy

Beedie School of Business

How can academics advance their field and mobilize knowledge to benefit society? Academic openness—a collaborative research orientation—is key to advancing scholarly impact, according to SFU business professor Ian McCarthy.

McCarthy’s recent article, The open academic: Why and how business academics should use social media to be more ‘open’ and impactful, with Marcel Bogers from Eindhoven University of Technology, discusses how academics can use social media to help bridge the research-practice gap and put their good ideas to work.

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